DataMine Logo 4c

Project Assets: Logo Design, Tagline, Copywriting, Translations, Swag, Marketing Collateral

Project Brief: The Birth of DataMine

 The Enterprise Data Management department at PepsiAmericas (PAS) affects many aspects of the company’s daily operations, and they had a need to communicate this importance to their associates. Twirl was engaged to meet the challenge. Through a series of steps – including brainstorming sessions, research, surveys for naming, tagline generation, and logo designs – the DataMine brand was born.

The DataMine brand provides a visual representation of data standardization and accuracy efforts on a global scale. Its tagline, “Accurate In. Global Out.” supports the initiative’s message.

Twirl pursued, in partnership with the group council, a brand that touched on the criteria set forth – accuracy and data standards globally.

To start, Twirl incorporated PAS corporate colors and utilized an upper case/lowercase type treatment to follow PAS data standards. The logo we developed is the check mark dotted by the “PAS smile” icon. This is integrated into the typography to serve as the “i” in DataMine. We feel this check mark icon represents data ownership of each individual, as well as the concept of getting data right. Usage of the PAS smile icon identifies this as a PAS initiative. The typography is clean and simple, yet strong and identifiable.

“Twirl did a fantastic job to develop and deliver branding for the PepsiAmericas enterprise data management project. Their creativity and listening skills were the key determinants to help us provide the unique message we required to move our project to the next level. Working with Twirl was a great experience!”

– Bill Holada, Director of Shared Services and Data Governance
Pepsi Beverages Co. (PepsiAmericas)