Project Assets: Naming, Tagline Development, Logo Design, Communications Strategy
Project Brief
The Portland Development Commission (PDC) engaged Twirl to work on branding for a financing program called CPACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy). This innovative program makes it possible for owners of commercial and industrial properties to obtain low cost financing for approved energy-efficiency projects.
The project goals entailed renaming the program prior to launch along with developing a logo, tagline and communications strategy. Twirl identified the need to develop a name that was easy to pronounce, friendly and relevant to the target audience. Various options were explored and tested before “PropertyFit Oregon” was born.
The name PropertyFit Oregon addresses the key components of the CPACE program; Property is pretty much self-explanatory; Fit serves as both a metaphor for health & well-being and short for retrofit.
This concept addresses both the financial and environmental rewards of the program and is relatable to owners and contractors. The best part is it is functional at both local and state levels. The tagline supports and defines the initiative. The new identity includes an icon with physical representations of buildings and a fresh color palette to match.
““We had a great experience working with Twirl. They put together a team that was knowledgeable about our industry and collaboratively worked with us to develop a branding and communications strategy to launch our new program. We look forward to working with them again!”
Amy Nagy, Business Development Coordinator at PDC