Project Assets: Branding, Marketing Collateral, Photography, WordPress Website, SEO, Swag, Signage, Social Media
Project Brief:
Serving an Underserved Community | Twirl has had the honor of working with a savvy group of seasoned construction contractors to build a much needed nonprofit from the ground up, LatinoBuilt.
We have exercised all our skill sets to create a brand presence in the community for Latino Contractors in Oregon and those who support them.
Jennie, President of Twirl, is also LatinoBuilt’s Board Secretary and Marketing Chair. She has lent her creative chops to the team and has also donated numerous hours of her time to the organization.
Jennie leads the marketing efforts with a core team and supports the organization by planning, writing, designing, and distributing the social media content and develops all the core brand materials needed for LatinoBuilt.
If you’re looking for an organization to contribute to, we recommend you to consider LatinoBuilt. Their mission is to improve construction opportunities for Latino-owned businesses in Oregon and offer technical assistance, mentoring, workshops, and more.
“I’m so happy Jennie & Victor from Twirl were interested in helping me formalize this organization and build a trusting resource for our community of Latino Contractors. They’ve been terrific and easy to work with.”.